Hope for Cornwall Business Invite

Hope for Cornwall! Govenek rag Kernow! Celebrate an evening of Cornwall’s amazing spectrum of talent at this one-off cultural extravaganza. Homes for Cornwall invites you to an event that will change our Duchy for generations. An experience to celebrate Cornwall’s distinctive and creative talent while learning about the role that we can, and must play in solving our housing crisis. The evening will feature: A showcase of talented Cornish performers to touch every mood and emotion - from choirs to comedians, singers, musicians poets and more. Alongside this, we will be sharing a new vision for homes in Cornwall. Expect inspiration, ideas, reflection and joy. Join us, bring your team and be part of change. Cornwall needs you Yma edhom dhe Gernow ahanowgh 

Dear Friends of Cornwall, Please partner with us. We know how much you care about Cornwall and its people and are mindful of the chronic issue of Cornwall’s lack of housing which is having a major bearing on all walks of life, including our economy, to which you are a major contributor. We, Homes for Cornwall, are a grassroots movement that represent different facets of our great Duchy and we are utterly committed to influencing the necessary change to reverse this crisis and see regenerative models of communities take hold. On the 17th September at 6pm we are taking over the Hall for Cornwall for the evening to bring you an unforgettable experience of knock-out Cornish Culture to inspire us and remind us what is at stake. Amidst this musical showcase, we will hear from a handful of speakers that will present on our vision and share a growing number of solutions that will engender the Hope we need. Homes for Cornwall is seeking long term partners for our growing movement to enable us have greater impact, as without the right housing, our businesses and communities are at risk. The investment ‘ask’ as a partner depends on the size of your business: Your partnership will include tickets for Hope for Cornwall 2024 whilst also enabling members of our community to attend for free. The money we raise from partners will go towards community solutions, the development of our open-source website, our progressive “Acre Project” and modest admin costs. Throughout our partnership together, as an early supporter of Homes for Cornwall, we will recognise you on all materials and communications, invite you to participate in solutions, networking and come to key leadership events. Besides this, the event promises to be a one-off cultural wonder that we know you are going to love it. To put it another way, supporting homes for Cornwall, might mean that someone you know gets a home to live in or your business can recruit the people it needs to grow. To discuss becoming a partner, email hello@homesforcornwall.org See you on the night! Thank you so much www.homesforcornwall.org